My mother is the most amazing woman I know.
I don't usually succumb to the more serious subjects in my posts. But I've been thinking a lot about my mama these past few days.
For those of you who don't know her, I wish you did. For those of you who do know her, you know that she is extremely loving. She is a good listener. She is kind and always looking out for the underdog. She has the most tender heart I've ever known.
38 years ago today my brother David was alive. He was my mom's first baby. He was born on October 7, 1970 and passed away October 9, 1970.
Many years of my childhood in early October I remember driving down with my mom and dad and whatever siblings were home to visit David's grave in the Provo cemetary. It was in the shadows of the large granite headstones of my great-grand-parents and other long gone relatives. A small flat little stone that just said his name and the dates of his life. David Giles Florence Oct. 7-9 1970.
During my years in Provo, I often visited David's grave. I would run there and sit by him and wonder about my oldest brother. I didn't feel sadness, in fact I wondered if maybe he was watching out for me. I don't really know much about guardian angels, but I like to think that David checks in on me from time to time.
Born nearly two months early, David didn't have much of a chance in those days. In fact the doctors didn't even really attempt to prolong his little life.
It wasn't until I had my sweet little Van, who shares David's middle name, that I began to understand what a tragic loss that must have been for my sweet mother. Her 20 year old heart must have been broken knowing she would never know her little boy in this life.
Recently my friend Abby lost her little girl Beatrice. Born with a little understood illness, she lived for two months. Watching her move on with her life has been an inspiration to me. Although more children will hopefully come to her just as they did to our family, these little ones are never replaced.
And so on this day of David's life 38 years ago, I pay tribute to my mama and all the other sweet women out there who have felt the dear price of mortality.
10 years ago
this is such a sweet post to a sweet mama. I'm completely sure david watches over you and will continue to do the same with van. he's destined for great things and david will make sure they come to pass.
Oh my goodness...
Isn't my wife beautiful?
good thoughts suz
A very thoughtful post. You brought back some memories, I'm one of those moms. Check out my March 21, 2008 post for another story, my daughter, Martha Ann Blair:
(I can't make a link on my comment, but you can find it.)
So sweet. Many tears on that one.
What a beautiful post Susanna. Like Mother, like daughter... beautiful women!
Thank you so much for sharing that. I was touched.
Very sweet and tender.
I love your mama too.
i'm so glad you wrote this. thanks, susanna.
Susanna, thanks for the brief and even understated tribute to such an incredible woman and mom. She has always represented the pure love of Christ in my life, towards me.
As a child I looked forward to meeting David someday, I still do. We can't even comprehend what the dynamics of our family would have been with him present. I used to sometimes think of him as a second conscience, not always, but occasionally I think it may have bolstered my resolve to be strong, feeling that he was aware of me, not wanting to let him down.
Thanks for reminding us of all of this. You are a sweet mother as well, and sister.
That was such a sweet post. You are amazing. My sister is buried in the Provo cemetary as well. I would often go there in college and do my homework by her graveside. It was very comforting and peaceful. To lose a child would be so hard. It makes you so grateful as a mother for the time you have with your babies. Love ya Susanna!
What a beautiful post. Thank you. Van is absolutely perfect.
Hope you guys are doing SO well.
your mother IS truly amazing...i feel glad to know her.
it's true that only after you have a child of your own can you understand how completely heartbreaking it would be to lose one.
give your mom a squish for me.
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