If anyone had told me that I'd be publishing pictures on the internet of my expanding belly I would tell them they're crazy. But I've had requests and so here it is. I've now officially reached the point, I think, where my belly looks like a baby container and not a beer gut. So that's a nice change. And thanks to lovely, generous friends like Jenny (previous wearer of above dress, new mama of Maeve) and Natalie (new mama of Mabel), I think I've got enough clothes to adjust to my growing little rider.
I'm now well into my 23rd week and things are going smoothly. Our little surfer seems to be getting early practice on currents of amniotic fluid... regularly. Other than needing more pillows than I can count in order to accomodate my various sleeping positions, I'm happy that our little guy seems to be pretty low maintenance these days. After feeling pretty grody for a couple of months running, I am feeling good and am thrilled to be feeling that nesting urge coming on again. And I'm sure GK is relieved that I have begun cooking again. I think he had started to think that nothing would get done if he didn't do it. I'm sure he'll get his turn to take care of us all again, but for now I'm doing great.
We are not even thinking about names as much as we probably should considering that I'm only two weeks away from the third (and final :) trimester. But he'll get named, I'm not that worried about it. We are still accepting bribes though, so if you'd like your name considered please let us know and include your proposed bribe amount and the currency you'll be paying in.
10 years ago
You look great! Love the "baby container."
Look how beautiful you are!
We think you look beautiful! I can't believe you are more than halfway done. It is going to come so fast. You don't need a name until he's here, so you still have plenty of time! Are you craving anything crazy? Or are you a healthy pregnancy eater? I once ate six full size Milky Way Bars in a half an hour when Andrew was a baby in my tummy. That's how Andrew puts it. Wish I could share my maternity clothes with you.
Lookin' good little lady.
GK told me you are going to name him Rizzo Risser. There's something special about names with alliteration. Kind of like mafia names, or heroes from fantasy stories. Hmmmm.
Looking beautiful!
Hi Susanna! Of course I remember you! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I'm looking forward to when I feel like doing more than nothing (I totally know what you mean when you said you were feeling grody... and it makes me want to do nothing). Anyway congrats on your baby! I'll come back to see pictures, of course!
...Sus? You're pregnant? Boy...we're out of touch a few months and you and get yourself all knocked up and what not!
I'm so super proud of you! Let's be friends!
You look so cute! I'm so excited for you!
So pretty!!!! I am wearing the H&M pants I bought after I saw them on you. You know, the white linen with green flowers? I hope you still have yours. Maybe I will post a pic on my blog, if I do I will let you know.
Oh you look so dang cute! Pregnant bellies are the best bellies!
You look fabulous. Gorgeous. I am so happy for you. I can't wait to see little baby when the big day comes. Keep us updated.
Glad you're feeling well, you look great!
You are such a cute little mama
beautiful susanna! i found your blog through susan's blog. it is so lovely to see you happy. you are a mother! how exciting.
You look so great! I'm so excited for you! Isaac is OBSESSED with pandas. He tells me all the time that he is going to China to see some real pandas. When we visit a zoo he asks everyone that works there where the pandas are...I don't think we have ever seen one in a zoo...but we will keep looking.
You look so beautiful! I'm glad you're feeling good - the 2nd trimester is the best.
You look fantastic!
(You will actually be glad you took this picture someday...)
NYC is about a 3 hr drive for us :)
You are SO tiny!!! I am huge already...ha ha ha...
And don’t worry we haven’t even STARTED talking about names yet... Ned has mentioned Gollum, Creature, and a few other absurdities... so I just wait unti I can catch him in a serious mood (which hopefully will happen in the next 4 monhths!)
Hey! It is Bonnie Ann! I was just reading Susan's blog and found you. I am so excited that you are going to be a mom! You will be so amazing!
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