Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Out of Our System... We Hope

This morning after taking care of GK for a few days. Making sure he had enough fluids, making sure he stayed in bed and didn't push it, making sure he had enough theraflu, kleenex, vaporub, etc. He seemed to be feeling a little better this morning, but Reggie was acting funny.

We'd heard that bugs we get can be transferred into our furry friends, and today I swear... Reggie had the dreaded flu. He was lethargic and slow this morning (and very cuddly as you can see above) He wouldn't eat. I even cut up a little piece of an apple because that's his favorite treat and he didn't eat it. When he yawned his little mouth barely opened as if his throat was hurting. His mouth was dry and when he tried to swallow it looked painful.

I know, I know, I sound crazy. But I was worried. By 4pm or so he still hadn't peed, and I thought "I have got to get some fluids into his little body." So I gave him little pieces of popsicle that he could lick. That had been helpful to numb GK's throat, so I thought I'd give it a go. Success!!! He ate it and a couple of hours later he ate some of his wet food and even took care of his personal business. I was very relieved.

In fact, by the time GK got home from school (also feeling much better), Reggie was ready to play. It's good to have my boys back. They seem to have bonded a little over their illness.


NYCmom said...

I'm so glad everyone seems to be better...and even more glad that it seems you have dodged a bullet. Not that you weren't sick enough with the pregnancy...but any sickness in ADDITION to pregnancy is SUCH a pain. Especially colds...you can't take any of the good medicine! I'm jealous you're heading to CA! Have fun!

Derek Bitter, M.A. said...

you're crazy, no offense.

CYNDI said...

You are going to be a wonderful mother! GK is lucky to have such a caring wife. I can picture you giving your dog a popsicle - a hysterical mental picture. Thank you for your comment about Andrew's school. I just really worry. I want to see cute pregnant Susanna pictures. Take some good ones on your trip!

Jen and Emma said...

Hello there Rissers! Oh I'm so happy to hear will be joining the ranks of parenthood...I'ts so wonderful, and tis the season I guess. There are so many pregnant people these days. We definatly look forward to seeing you guys when you come...we miss you in our little ward. Hope all is well!

Amberly said...

I hope neither of them breathed on you during their yuckiness! Have a great trip!

Eddie said...

So, any pictures of the ultrasound?