Saturday, September 4, 2010


Amid all the excitement of the last couple of months, the girls missed their two month check-ups. But at 4.5 months, they're back on track and enjoying their fingers.

Weight: 11 lbs. 15.5 oz. (10th percentile)
Lenght: 24.25 in. (40th perctentile)
Head Circ.: 42.5 cm. (80th percentile)

She's rolling and can no longer be left in one spot for long. She will suddenly find herself across the room either by rolling or by pushing her face into the carpet and pushing with her feet like a little plow. She is so generous with her drooly smile that it's hard not to love her.

Weight: 11 lbs. 8 oz. (5th percentile)
Length: 26 in. (80th percentile)
Head Circ.: 42.25 cm. (75th percentile)

Also rolling, her movement is a little more mellow. At night she has taken to going to sleep at the same time as Josie and then waking up an hour later for some personal time with Mom and Dad. She comes alive between 9 and 11 at night no matter how hard we try. We love her little night-owl personality.

The are discovering each other and love to kick each other while they nurse and roll over the top of each other while they play and talk. They each seem to like having Mom to themselves, but they're learning to enjoy sharing her too.

After an amazing week, Van went from not being able to quite crawl to walking on his own. He's still slow and has a bit of a limp (the doctor said the limp may stick around for a year or two). But he is back on his feet and has returned to dismantling the house one dishtowel and magnet and cupboard at a time. So far, the mess still feels like a blessing. It's good to have him back!


Sydney said...

I can't tell you how happy your updates make me! I really appreciate them especially knowing how precious (and rare) any free time must be. Big hug to all and thrilled to see Van up and about.

MARTHA said...

I'm so pleased for you - mess and all!

Anonymous said...

The girls are getting so big! They look like their brother! More beautiful babies. Thanks for the post.

Teri said...

They are so cute! All of them. Glad Van has some freedom back. I can't wait to see you guys sometime soon.

Heidi said...

Yeah good update, THANKS! Fun! Glad Van is doing so well!

Dad Risser said...

I really like - and need the pictures. Can't get enough of the gtrandpa fix. I'm a regular grandkid junkie.

Dad Risser said...

Why do I never see the misspellings until after I post my comments?

Derek Bitter, M.A. said...

What about Reggie? What are his stats? He must be so big now.

Andrew said...

those girls are awesome. Glad van is doing so well.

Heather Bankhead said...

what direction does the percentile stuff go in?

Shiloh said...

Susanna, you guys are looking great. We miss you, Brooklyn misses you, California is lucky to have you. I am happy Van is free at last and those little twins kill me, they are so cute. Not sure how you do it, but if anyone can, its you!

Eddie said...

Whew. Good to see things improving.


The Fillmore Family said...

I just got through checking up on your life. What sweet beautiful babies and they each seem to have a personality and look of their own and what a sweet brave brother they have. He has really been through a lot and you all seem to have come through it beautifully. We just got home from 4 mountain villages near Chiquimula and had a wonderful experience and hopefully helped a few people. It was hot and humid and dirty but worth it! (Don't you think someone should write a song about that place--That name just calls for a song.) The country we drove through was absolutely astoundingly beautiful and we've never seen such beautiful clouds.
Love, Aunt Joanne

Rebecca Lang said...

I'm so glad everyone is doing well. Thanks for the updates. Van is one resilient little kid.

J Coastie said...

Look at all the Nike outfits. You should tell people it's cause they're sponsored. That's what Miller used to say all the time.

Girl: "You're good at that."

Miller: "Ya...I'm sponsored."