Sunday, March 28, 2010

Quite The Able Mother

A very dear friend of mine (a sister in many ways) has been a genuine inspiration since we were children. People say such things casually quite a bit, but I doubt that in this case anyone would argue. She's wonderfully grounded, a devoted friend, gives practical advice (has an opinion on most everything), is always motivated and determined, cares for others, may be surly at times but never complains, and has had muscular dystrophy for the near thirty years of her life. That last bit may slow her down at times, but it's never stopped her. In a very real way, she is a miracle. But she would be confused and embarrassed by a comment like that. And she would never think such a thing about herself. She gives you the impression that the struggle she very skillfully deals with on a daily basis is just like the anxiety you feel about living a good life, or like the social struggle we all have when trying to make friends or find a new job. It's just what it is; her life. Well, now she is a Mom. Every day she cares for a beautiful baby girl. A miracle compounded. As are the struggles. And also the joys. You should meet her. She's started a blog that I think may get interesting, especially if other people get involved. You can find her here.


MARTHA said...

I'm all about mothers and inspiration. I'm on it!

Jaclyn said...

Thank you. I know tons of people will visit now, because you are like the most popular blogger ever. Miss you guys. Can't wait to meet the girls :) Tell Susanna I have some extra clothes for the babies.