Sunday, October 11, 2009

To Come

When we moved from Brooklyn to insert current state. We weren't exactly sure how long it would be for.

We have been homeless before (though never with a toddler) and we're pretty sure we will be again some day, so we weren't really concerned about that part of things. We just felt, in spite of our deep love for it and its folks, that it was time to leave Brooklyn.

Not knowing what was to come.

But our experience in the past has been that things work themselves out. And once again, at a time when jobs seem scarce and lots of people are searching, GK found the one. He'll be working as a Rep for Macmillan Publishing in Sacramento.

So this week we'll head up there and see if we can find us an apartment with some windows in it. Start booking your tickets folks because we can guarantee that this place will have a spot in it for you.


krissiecook said...

Sac? That's awesome! We have both family and friends there already, so you've managed to pick a spot we'll hit eventually anyway. Did I mention that's exciting? Congratulations to all three of you! And did I mention I'm jealous you're in CA?

Teri said...

Congrats! We will have to plan a trip sometime soon. New Years?

annie said...

congratulations to GK!
california is really far away, you know that right?

Derek Bitter, M.A. said...

I'm glad to hear that. I know GK was excited about summers off.

Genevieve said...

Congratulations Gk and Sus. It sounds great.

Kayla Laird said...

I'm so excited for you guys!!! Congrats GK! When will you be going up there? I as planning on coming into town this week.

MARTHA said...

How nice for you, our state capital. Best wishes!

Jaclyn said...

Yea!!! We're so happy for you guys! But we'll miss you :( At least it's closer than NY :)Congrats!

Shiloh said...

hey hey! Congratulations! yeah for life working out.

Sydney said...

Congrats! That says something (though I'm not sure what ;-) about GK if he can get a job during these tough times. Mazeltov!

Kristy said...

We feel so fortunate that your adventures included a stay in our neighborhood! We have loved our time with you and we are so excited for GK's new job too!

jared & amber said...

Nice, you're joining us here in Sacramento! Fun, I can't wait to see's been so long. Let me know if you need anything, we have been here for about a year and Jared grew up here. Where are you thinking of living? We are currently in Granite Bay which is by Roseville. Give me a call 916-521-2805

Ashley B. said...

Wow! Things change fast -- congrats on the move. CA is far away from me in Upstate NY, but Brooklyn proved to be pretty far away from me in the Bronx . . . I'm so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've missed a lot. Happy for you to be back on the west coast closer to family. I am envious. But happy and excited for you. Maybe I'll see you at Christmas time? Hmmmmm.

Eddie said...

Congratulations! That was pretty fast for GK to find a job. You guys can take weekend trips to Yosemite all the time! :)