Surprise, Surprise
10 years ago
Cherish your visions; cherish your ideals; cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind,the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built. -James Allen
Still beautiful! Details! Details!
Yeah, right. I'm not falling for this old trick again, Rissers. How much did you have to pay those babies to pose with Susanna?
Fool me once...
This time I believe it! Congratulations! Three beautiful girls! Tell us more!
More info!
Oh my! So beautiful...all three of you. Yes, details please. I can't wait to hear their names. They will be fabulous I'm sure!
Gorgeous...oh, my gorgeous. I'm with everyone else - must have details!
Oh, wow! That is amazing! Susanna looks so happy. Way to go!
nice work, sus.
Congratulations. What, four weeks early, so lucky. Want names and details.
Wow, congratulations! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful :)
Congratulations! Looks like babies and mom are doing well, can't wait to hear the details of how it all went.
Congratulations to all 5 of you! I'm really glad for you, especially for Susanna, because as much work as they are once they're born, it seems so much better because you can actually look at them!
Can't wait to meet them, hope that happens soon.
I am so excited for you guys! Can't wait to hear more. Please stay in the hospital for as long as your insurance allows and get some earplugs. For the hospital and for home. Just kidding. We love you guys and the new girls!
Yay! Congratulations you guys. Can't wait to hear more. Hope you're all well.
Congrats!! You are all beautiful! I hope everything went well. I just have to tell you too how beautiful you looked pregnant! :)
Congrats! can't wait to see more!!
Congrats! Mommy and babies look beautiful!
What?!! You just texted me on Tuesday afternoon! They are so cute and little--I can't wait to see them. When did they come? I'm dying for information here.
Yay! Congratulations! They look beautiful!
YEAH! I cant beleive you more than double the amount of kids you have in one shot! Nice!
Hooray! I am so happy!
Congratulations! Beautiful girls, beautiful mama, what a great day!!!
We can't wait to hear the full story!
Oh, and I'm dying know what Van thinks of his little sisters!
Wow! Adorable! I found myself blog surfing tonight~~so glad. Congratulations!
Congrats you guys! Everyone looks beautiful. Love you all!
I just want to cry. This is the cutest. Yay!
Honestly.... incredible, beautiful, brilliant and magical! I am so happy for you guys. Those babies are so blessed to come to such an amazing family. Love You!
Your Incredible, Congrats!
Yeah congrats. All three are beautiful.
By the way, that 2nd comment is from me.
Wow, Congratulations! I would love to come bring you dinner one night. I'll call you and find out what day works best for you. Congratulations!!!
All of you are gorgeous! I am so happy all is well. Love the sweet names.
CONGRATULATIONS! We are so excited for you all! xoxox
oh yeah! from a mother of 1 to a mother of 3!!! look at you lady. most impressive.
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